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folder-icon AI-Do all of the product levels have artificial intelligence (AI)? folder-icon AI-How does your AI work in desalination plants? folder-icon ​​​​AI-How does your AI work in reverse osmosis (RO) plants? folder-icon Alerts-Can I create my own alerts? folder-icon Alerts-Can I get email alerts? folder-icon Alerts-How do I change alert thresholds? folder-icon Alerts-How do I set/change alert frequency? folder-icon Alerts-How do I view Alert Details? folder-icon Data Entry-Can I make my own manual entry forms? folder-icon Data Entry-How do I enter manual data into the system? folder-icon Data Entry-How do I save an Interactive Graph on the Interactive page? folder-icon Data Entry-Why do some charts not show up? folder-icon Insights-What are the Insight/Alert levels, and what do they do? folder-icon Insights-What's the difference between Insights and alerts? folder-icon Integration-Can I customize the software? folder-icon Integration - Can I interface my existing Data lakes? folder-icon Integration-Can the system integrate with existing data collection/management tools (e.g. SCADA, CMMS, LIMS)? folder-icon Integration-Do I need historical data? folder-icon Integration-Do you support multiple plants? folder-icon Integration-How do you integrate into a plant? folder-icon Integration-How do you use my plant's data? folder-icon Integration-How much data do we need to take advantage of these tools? folder-icon Integration-​​If I have no instrumentation or data feeds, can I still use the product manually? folder-icon Integration-What are the sources of data? folder-icon Integration-What features are applicable to my facility? folder-icon ​​​​KPI-Can I create my own KPIs? folder-icon KPI-How do I create a Sensor? folder-icon KPI-How do I modify a KPI? folder-icon KPI-What is KPI Creator? folder-icon KPI-What KPIs are supported? folder-icon Mobile-Can I get alerts on my phone or tablet? folder-icon Mobile-Can I run Pani Digital on a phone or tablet? folder-icon Mobile-Do you have an iOS/Android app? folder-icon Optimization-How does the operator take action from RO optimization? folder-icon Optimization-How do we trust the recommendations/optimization recommendations? (confidence levels etc.) folder-icon Playbook-How does the operator take action from Playbook? folder-icon Playbook-My playbook study doesn't return any data. What's wrong? folder-icon Playbook-What is benefit in Playbook? folder-icon Playbook-What is Playbook, and how is it used? folder-icon Playbook-What is similarity in Playbook? folder-icon Playbook-What is weighting in a Playbook study? folder-icon Product-Can I upgrade from one level to another? folder-icon Production-How do I edit a block View? folder-icon Production-What is the dashboard, and how is it used? folder-icon Production-What is the Data page and how is it used? folder-icon Products-What are the different product levels? folder-icon Products-What are your products? folder-icon Reports-Can I get reports emailed to me? folder-icon Reports-How do I set/change when weekly reports are delivered? folder-icon Reports-What kind of reporting is provided? folder-icon Sales-Can I get a demo? folder-icon Sales-Can I try it out for free? folder-icon Sales-​​Can Pani Zed save energy? folder-icon Sales-Can Pani Zed save me money? folder-icon Sales - Do I need a sophisticated, digital plant? folder-icon Sales-How much does it cost? folder-icon Sales-What are the upfront and recurring costs? folder-icon Sales-What types of water processing plants do you support? folder-icon Sales-What value can I get out of the platform? folder-icon Security-How secure is the platform and my data? folder-icon Security-What ports do the Pani APIs use (REST and MQTT)? folder-icon Security-What security protocols do you use? folder-icon Setup-How do I create a new plant? folder-icon Setup-How do I create users? folder-icon Setup-How do I set up my plant? folder-icon Setup-How is the platform organized? folder-icon Setup-What are the system requirements? folder-icon Setup-What does it take to implement? folder-icon Setup-What is the process and time commitments for implementation? folder-icon Support-How do I get support? folder-icon Support-What are your support hours? folder-icon Support-Which browsers do you support? folder-icon Users-What are the various User roles?
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