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Insights page
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The Insights AI runs thousands of simulations and analyses for each one asset and process based on incoming data (digital signals, lab tests, operator observations, and logs) to provide recommendations to improve your plant's performance. We call these Insights. 


Insights are categorized as either Critical, Warning, or Informational.

  • Critical - events that require immediate attention. Critical Insights are sent out via email/text as soon as they are triggered.
  • Warning - things that affect long-term performance or require action but are not essential to plant operations.
  • Informational - events that are important but do not require an action.

The user can extend the left side “System Overview” menu for a list of all assets and their current Insight statuses. The assets will display a warning icon if there is an associated Insight with it. Red warning icons indicate a Critical Insight, Yellow if there is an associated Warning Insight, blue for Informational Insights and a green check mark if there are no warnings.

The user has the option of searching for Insights in accordance to the assets in the search bar.

Insight Actions

There are several ways the user can address the Insights, this includes acknowledging the Insight, snoozing the Insight if the user does not want to address it right away, removing the Insight if it is not applicable to normal plant operation, and viewing additional information in Interactive.


The user can acknowledge the Insight. Insights should be acknowledged when an action is taken to address or correct the Insight. Whatever action or inaction is taken, the operator is prompted to leave a note in the Insight log. If the corrective action differs from the recommended action, the Pani Implementation team may contact the site administrator to correct the action or verbiage.


The user can snooze the Insight for a selected period of time. The Insight will deactivate for the selected time period.


The user also has the option to remove the Insight completely. This might be the correct action if the alert message is inaccurate or does not align with what is happening at the plant (upstream equipment failure, maintenance, power outage, etc. The operator is prompted to enter additional data as to why they removed the Insight, and this will be stored in the operator log.


The user can View more in Interactive, where you are taken to the Interactive page to review and access information on the Insight, which can include recommend actions to be taken.


Insight Details

When you click on an Insight, additional detail on what happened, why it happened, and how to troubleshoot the event will appear. There will be also graphical information pertaining to the Insight and the user have the option further research using the graph of what led up to the event and what occurred after. Click on the Insight to view the full Insight, and the down arrow to review the graphical details.


There is usually graphical information pertaining to the Insight and the user has the option to further research using the graph to investigate the time leading up to the event and the time after. Some key features of the graph display:

  • Defined Insight triggers
  • Zoom for fine detail of timeline
  • Go Back, Restore and Save functions

Insights are a powerful tool for an operator. The combination of push alerts (text, email) and the prescriptive action ensures that the plant runs smoothly. Insights, combined with Pani Analytics and Interactive, provide a suite of tools that allow operators and analysts to dig into root-causes for plant anomalies, and use these results to improve plant operations.

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