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Home > General Resources > How to Use Support Center > Submitting a Support Ticket
Submitting a Support Ticket
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Submitting a Support Ticket is easy.  The process is as follows:



If you have not created your Support Center Client Log-in yet, then the ticketing system will not be visible or accessible.  To set up your account, follow the instructions in the Pani Support Center - Account Set-up article.


Getting There

First, navigate to the Support Center (either directly into your browser, or log into Pani Zed and select one of the support options from the ? menu in the upper right corner).  Next, make sure you are logged in to the Support Center.  Third, once you are logged in, find and select the "Submit Ticket" link from the upper right corner of the Support Center top menu.  You will then be directed to the following page, with a quick and easy form to fill in:


Ticket Categories

You will notice there are several types of tickets you can send to us, when you select the Category* dropdown menu on the ticket page.


  1. Report a Bug - BR
    If you find what may be a bug in the system, use the ticketing system to flag it for us so we can fix it!
    • We give high priority to bug reports, and address them promptly, to ensure any issues are corrected quickly.
  2. New/Improved Feature - FR
    • If you have a great idea on how to improve the product, let us know!  
      We compile, review, evaluate, and incorporate selected requests into development sprints. Examples of new feature requests are
      • specific calculations
      • user management changes
      • Additional reporting
  3. Support Request - SR
    • If you'd like support on anything in the Pani Zed platform, send our team a support ticket!
      We will respond as soon as possible within 24hrs on business days. Examples of Support tickets are:
      • Changing who gets notified for Alerts and Insights
      • Additional training to use/get the most from a feature
      • Adding or editing a Pani-created KPI
  4. Customer Information - CI
    • When first getting set up in the Support Center, send a Client Information ticket our way!
      We find these helpful in getting new clients fully in our support system.


How to Submit a Support Ticket

To submit the ticket:

  • Select the ticket type, from the options listed.
  • Give a concise yet descriptive subject line (ticket title).
  • Enter the details of your message information in the required fields.
    • It would be best to include any specific plant info (plant number) and as much detail as possible.
    • We also find it helpful to see screenshots with highlights, whenever relevant.
  • Hit Send and watch for the automatic email responses.
    • You will get automatic emails when the ticket is submitted, when the ticket is being actioned (In Progress), and when the ticket is closed.
    • Note, emails from the Support Center look a bit different from regular emails, so they can be easy to miss.


Once a ticket is in progress, our Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are as follows:


  • Bug Reports – 72 hours for a fix to be completed once the bug has been verified/reproduced by our team.
  • Feature Requests – no fixed SLA - anywhere from days to months. It depends on the weight of the feature request, ie. the applicability to other customers, strategic product impact, etc. may take a while to go In Progress, however once In Progress, it will usually be deployed in 2-4 weeks.
  • Support Requests – 24 hours within business days for initial response - tickets are actioned in the order they are received and duration of resolution depends on the matter at hand and communications. 


Note, submitting a Customer Information ticket is a great way to get started with the ticketing system.  We recommend starting with this, and simply tell us a bit about yourself (most people give their name, job title, the name of the facility, and whether they are on-site or off-site in relation to the specified facility).  

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